Star Trek Wrath of Gems Wikia

The Vulcan D'kyr is a Tier 3 item that is only playable from the TOS-side of the game.

Read more about this topic on the Memory-Alpha Wikia.



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Skills Tables/Updates[]

Skill Number 1 is called Launch Torpedos.

Its color is Blue. Blue

112Does 30 damage for each type of gem on the board. Maximum 200.
212Does 47 damage for each type of gem on the board. Maximum 300.
312Does 54 damage for each type of gem on the board. Maximum 395.
412Does 62 damage for each type of gem on the board. Maximum 450.
512Does 70 damage for each type of gem on the board. Maximum 500.

Skill Number 2 is called Launch Torpedos.

Its color is Purple. Purple

19When separating from the main ship, the crew is protected and creates 3 gems of 50 protection against enemy attacks. Additionally it recharges the shield.
29When separating from the main ship, the crew is protected and creates 3 gems of 80 protection against enemy attacks. Additionally it recharges the shield.
39When separating from the main ship, the crew is protected and creates 4 gems of 100 protection against enemy attacks. Additionally it recharges the shield.
49When separating from the main ship, the crew is protected and creates 4 gems of 120 protection against enemy attacks. Additionally it recharges the shield.
59When separating from the main ship, the crew is protected and creates 5 gems of 120 protection against enemy attacks. Additionally it recharges the shield.

Skill Number 3 is called Unavoidable Authority.

Its color is Orange. Orange

111Regenerates 25% of life, recharges 20% shield and robs all the orange AP from the enemy.
211Regenerates 30% of life, recharges 25% shield and robs all the orange AP from the enemy.
311Regenerates 40% of life, recharges 30% shield and robs all the orange AP from the enemy.
411Regenerates 50% of life, recharges 35% shield and robs all the orange AP from the enemy.
511Regenerates 65% of life, recharges 45% shield and robs all the orange AP from the enemy.

Section heading[]

Here is all the info i currently have stored in the data-file... {"xnpc":"yes","cargoUpgrades":{"cupgr6":{"crewamt":5,"weaponamt":5,"currentlevel":115},"cupgr7":{"crewamt":6,"weaponamt":6,"currentlevel":125},"cupgr3":{"crewamt":3,"weaponamt":4,"currentlevel":90},"cupgr1":{"crewamt":2,"weaponamt":3,"currentlevel":65},"cupgr2":{"crewamt":3,"weaponamt":3,"currentlevel":70},"cupgr9":{"crewamt":8,"weaponamt":6,"currentlevel":150},"cupgr5":{"crewamt":4,"weaponamt":5,"currentlevel":105},"cupgr4":{"crewamt":4,"weaponamt":4,"currentlevel":95},"cupgr8":{"crewamt":7,"weaponamt":6,"currentlevel":135}},"hp":1270,"aliases":"Vulcan D'kyr, Dkyr","image":"Dkyr.png","limit":165,"tier":3,"othersUpgrades":{"up03":{"skillschosen":"1b1p1o","aw":"+27","currentlevel":50,"ar":"+31","hp":1570,"ag":"+28"},"up09":{"skillschosen":"1b3p5o","aw":"+50","currentlevel":96,"ar":"+57","hp":2950,"ag":"+51"},"up15":{"skillschosen":"5b5p5o","aw":"+83","currentlevel":165,"ar":"+96","hp":5020,"ag":"+85"}},"lmax":42,"aenu":"Ally","ag":"+23","lmin":40,"cargo":{"crtyp":"tbd = any, universal, federation, klingon, romulan","weaponamt":2,"crmax":8,"wpmin":0,"crmin":0,"crewamt":2,"wptyp":"tbd = any, universal, federation, klingon, romulan","wpmax":6},"imagecaption":"D'kyr","skills":{"cost3":11,"cost1":12,"skill2":"Launch Torpedos","color1":"Blue","color2":"Purple","cost2":9,"desc1":{"t2":" damage for each type of gem on the board. Maximum ","v1":30,"v2":200,"t1":"Does ","t3":"."},"desc2":{"t2":" gems of ","v1":3,"v2":50,"t1":"When separating from the main ship, the crew is protected and creates ","t3":" protection against enemy attacks. Additionally it recharges the shield."},"skill1":"Launch Torpedos","desc3":{"t2":"% of life, recharges ","v1":25,"v2":20,"t1":"Regenerates ","t3":"% shield and robs all the orange AP from the enemy."},"color3":"Orange","skill3":"Unavoidable Authority"},"series":"TOS","currentlevel":40,"igp":"dkyr","skillsUpgrades":{"supgr3":{"desc3":{"v2":30,"v1":40},"desc1":{"v2":395,"v1":54},"desc2":{"v2":100,"v1":4}},"supgr5":{"desc3":{"v2":45,"v1":65},"desc1":{"v2":500,"v1":70},"desc2":{"v2":120,"v1":5}},"supgr2":{"desc3":{"v2":25,"v1":30},"desc1":{"v2":300,"v1":47},"desc2":{"v2":80}},"supgr4":{"desc3":{"v2":35,"v1":50},"desc1":{"v2":450,"v1":62},"desc2":{"v2":120,"v1":4}}},"name":"Dkyr","aw":"+22","sdate":"2017-12-26","ar":"+26","nup":15,"govt":"Vulcan"}
