Star Trek Wrath of Gems Wikia

Engineer Montgomery Scott is a Tier 1 item that is only playable from the TOS-side of the game.

Read more about this topic on the Memory-Alpha Wikia.



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Skills Tables/Updates[]

Skill Number 1 is called Applied Knowledge.

Its color is Red. Red

16Does 58 damage to the selected enemy.
26Does 69 damage to the selected enemy.
36Does 82 damage to the selected enemy.
46Does 98 damage to the selected enemy.
56Does 110 damage to the selected enemy.

Skill Number 2 is called Savior Improvisation.

Its color is White. White

19Does 18 damage to the selected enemy. Adds 2defensive gems that protect 8 points per turn.
29Does 24 damage to the selected enemy. Adds 3defensive gems that protect 8 points per turn.
39Does 35 damage to the selected enemy. Adds 3defensive gems that protect 10 points per turn.
49Does 48 damage to the selected enemy. Adds 3defensive gems that protect 12 points per turn.
59Does 65 damage to the selected enemy. Adds 4defensive gems that protect 12 points per turn.

Skill Number 3 is called Applying Ideas.

Its color is Purple. Purple

112Does 95 damage to the selected enemy and paralyzes him for 2 turns.
212Does 118 damage to the selected enemy and paralyzes him for 2 turns.
312Does 155 damage to the selected enemy and paralyzes him for 3 turns.
412Does 205 damage to the selected enemy and paralyzes him for 3 turns.
512Does 265 damage to the selected enemy and paralyzes him for 4 turns.

Section heading[]

Here is all the info i currently have stored in the data-file... {"gorder":"WRPBYO","xnpc":"yes","datavalues":{"dv6":2,"dv5":2,"dv4":2,"dv3":2,"dv2":3,"dv1":3},"hp":68,"aliases":"Montgomery Scott, Mr. Scott, Scotty","image":"Mister Scott.png","limit":50,"tier":1,"othersUpgrades":{"up10":{"currentlevel":50,"gorder":"WRPBYO","aw":"+6","datavalues":{"dv6":7,"dv5":8,"dv4":8,"dv3":24,"dv2":27,"dv1":30},"skillschosen":"5r0w5p","ar":"+7","hp":803,"ag":"+7"}},"lmax":3,"aenu":"Ally","ag":"+1","lmin":1,"imagecaption":"Mr. Scott","ar":"+1","series":"TOS","gender":"Male","race":"Human","currentlevel":1,"igp":"scott","skillsUpgrades":{"supgr3":{"desc3":{"v2":3,"v1":155},"desc1":{"v1":82},"desc2":{"v1":35,"v2":3,"v3":10}},"supgr5":{"desc3":{"v2":4,"v1":265},"desc1":{"v1":110},"desc2":{"v1":65,"v2":4,"v3":12}},"supgr2":{"desc3":{"v1":118},"desc1":{"v1":69},"desc2":{"v2":3,"v1":24}},"supgr4":{"desc3":{"v2":3,"v1":205},"desc1":{"v1":98},"desc2":{"v1":48,"v2":3,"v3":12}}},"name":"Mister Scott","aw":"+1","sdate":"2015-01-01","skills":{"cost3":12,"cost1":6,"skill2":"Savior Improvisation","color1":"Red","color2":"White","cost2":9,"desc1":{"t2":" damage to the selected enemy.","v1":58,"t1":"Does "},"desc2":{"t2":" damage to the selected enemy. Adds ","v1":18,"v2":2,"t1":"Does ","t3":"defensive gems that protect ","v3":8,"t4":" points per turn."},"skill1":"Applied Knowledge","desc3":{"t2":" damage to the selected enemy and paralyzes him for ","v1":95,"v2":2,"t1":"Does ","t3":" turns."},"color3":"Purple","skill3":"Applying Ideas"},"nup":10,"govt":"Federation"}
