Star Trek Wrath of Gems Wikia

Cmdr. Geordi La Forge is a Tier 2 item that is only playable from the TNG-side of the game.

Read more about this topic on the Memory-Alpha Wikia.



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Skills Tables/Updates[]

Skill Number 1 is called Ocular Implants.

Its color is Orange. Orange

113His ocular implants allow him to detect structural weaknesses in the board, destroying 6 gems and stealing 2 AP from the enemy.
213His ocular implants allow him to detect structural weaknesses in the board, destroying 7 gems and stealing 3 AP from the enemy.
313His ocular implants allow him to detect structural weaknesses in the board, destroying 8 gems and stealing 4 AP from the enemy.
413His ocular implants allow him to detect structural weaknesses in the board, destroying 9 gems and stealing 5 AP from the enemy.
513His ocular implants allow him to detect structural weaknesses in the board, destroying 12 gems and stealing 6 AP from the enemy.

Skill Number 2 is called Masters in Engineering.

Its color is Yellow. Yellow

111LaForge uses his engineering knowledge to confuse his enemies during 1 turns and boosts the team's attack with 3 tiles of 45 points.
211LaForge uses his engineering knowledge to confuse his enemies during 1 turns and boosts the team's attack with 3 tiles of 55 points.
311LaForge uses his engineering knowledge to confuse his enemies during 2 turns and boosts the team's attack with 3 tiles of 65 points.
411LaForge uses his engineering knowledge to confuse his enemies during 2 turns and boosts the team's attack with 4 tiles of 60 points.
511LaForge uses his engineering knowledge to confuse his enemies during 3 turns and boosts the team's attack with 4 tiles of 75 points.

Skill Number 3 is called Combat Engineer.

Its color is Red. Red

19LaForge is well trained in hand to hand combat, and causes 125 damage points to the enemy.
29LaForge is well trained in hand to hand combat, and causes 165 damage points to the enemy.
39LaForge is well trained in hand to hand combat, and causes 205 damage points to the enemy.
49LaForge is well trained in hand to hand combat, and causes 255 damage points to the enemy.
59LaForge is well trained in hand to hand combat, and causes 300 damage points to the enemy.

Section heading[]

Here is all the info i currently have stored in the data-file... {"gorder":"ROYPBW","xnpc":"yes","datavalues":{"dv6":3,"dv5":3,"dv4":3,"dv3":6,"dv2":7,"dv1":8},"hp":227,"aliases":"Cmdr. La Forge, Cmdr. Geordi La Forge","image":"Cmdr. La Forge.png","limit":95,"tier":2,"othersUpgrades":{"up10":{"currentlevel":50,"gorder":"ROYPBW","aw":"+7","datavalues":{"dv6":7,"dv5":8,"dv4":9,"dv3":22,"dv2":27,"dv1":31},"skillschosen":"4o1y5r","ar":"+7","hp":907,"ag":"+6"},"up15":{"currentlevel":95,"gorder":"ROYPBW","aw":"+14","datavalues":{"dv6":12,"dv5":14,"dv4":15,"dv3":39,"dv2":48,"dv1":57},"skillschosen":"5o5y5r","ar":"+13","hp":1672,"ag":"+11"}},"lmax":12,"aenu":"Ally","ag":"+1","lmin":10,"imagecaption":"Cmdr. La Forge","ar":"+2","series":"TNG","gender":"Male","race":"Human","currentlevel":10,"igp":"laforge","skillsUpgrades":{"supgr3":{"desc3":{"v1":205},"desc1":{"v2":4,"v1":8},"desc2":{"v1":2,"v3":65}},"supgr5":{"desc3":{"v1":300},"desc1":{"v2":6,"v1":12},"desc2":{"v1":3,"v2":4,"v3":75}},"supgr2":{"desc3":{"v1":165},"desc1":{"v2":3,"v1":7},"desc2":{"v3":55}},"supgr4":{"desc3":{"v1":255},"desc1":{"v2":5,"v1":9},"desc2":{"v1":2,"v2":4,"v3":60}}},"name":"Cmdr. La Forge","aw":"+2","sdate":"2015-01-01","skills":{"cost3":9,"cost1":13,"skill2":"Masters in Engineering","color1":"Orange","color2":"Yellow","cost2":11,"desc1":{"t2":" gems and stealing ","v1":6,"v2":2,"t1":"His ocular implants allow him to detect structural weaknesses in the board, destroying ","t3":" AP from the enemy."},"desc2":{"t2":" turns and boosts the team's attack with ","v1":1,"v2":3,"t1":"LaForge uses his engineering knowledge to confuse his enemies during ","t3":" tiles of ","v3":45,"t4":" points."},"skill1":"Ocular Implants","desc3":{"t2":" damage points to the enemy.","v1":125,"t1":"LaForge is well trained in hand to hand combat, and causes "},"color3":"Red","skill3":"Combat Engineer"},"nup":15,"govt":"Federation"}
