Star Trek Wrath of Gems Wikia

Klingon Cho'Ta is a Tier 1 item that is only playable from the TNG-side of the game.

Read more about this topic on the Memory-Alpha Wikia.



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Skills Tables/Updates[]

Skill Number 1 is called Confusing Twist.

Its color is Blue. Blue

112Changes 4 orange gems into offensive ones, doing 9 damage per turn.
212Changes 4 orange gems into offensive ones, doing 12 damage per turn.
312Changes 5 orange gems into offensive ones, doing 15 damage per turn.
412Changes 4 orange gems into offensive ones, doing 18 damage per turn.
512Changes 6 orange gems into offensive ones, doing 20 damage per turn.

Skill Number 2 is called Fierce Assault.

Its color is Yellow. Yellow

17Does 60 damage to the selected enemy and destroys 4 red gems, generating AP.
27Does 74 damage to the selected enemy and destroys 5 red gems, generating AP.
37Does 86 damage to the selected enemy and destroys 6 red gems, generating AP.
47Does 94 damage to the selected enemy and destroys 7 red gems, generating AP.
57Does 108 damage to the selected enemy and destroys 8 red gems, generating AP.

Skill Number 3 is called Purple Sting.

Its color is Red. Red

19Does 15 damage per purple gem on the board. Maximum 68 points.
29Does 15 damage per purple gem on the board. Maximum 85 points.
39Does 20 damage per purple gem on the board. Maximum 125 points.
49Does 25 damage per purple gem on the board. Maximum 172 points.
59Does 30 damage per purple gem on the board. Maximum 203 points.

Section heading[]

Here is all the info i currently have stored in the data-file... {"gorder":"WBOYRP","xnpc":"yes","datavalues":{"dv6":2,"dv5":2,"dv4":2,"dv3":2,"dv2":3,"dv1":3},"hp":75,"aliases":"Cho’Ta","image":"Klingon ChoTa.png","limit":50,"tier":1,"othersUpgrades":{"up10":{"currentlevel":50,"gorder":"WBOYRP","aw":"+6","datavalues":{"dv6":7,"dv5":7,"dv4":8,"dv3":8,"dv2":26,"dv1":29},"skillschosen":"1b5y4r","ar":"+6","hp":810,"ag":"+6"}},"lmax":3,"aenu":"Ally","ag":"+1","lmin":1,"imagecaption":"Klingon Cho'Ta","ar":"+0","series":"TNG","gender":"Male","race":"Klingon","currentlevel":1,"igp":"mordi","skillsUpgrades":{"supgr3":{"desc3":{"v2":125,"v1":20},"desc1":{"v2":15,"v1":5},"desc2":{"v2":6,"v1":86}},"supgr5":{"desc3":{"v2":203,"v1":30},"desc1":{"v2":20,"v1":6},"desc2":{"v2":8,"v1":108}},"supgr2":{"desc3":{"v2":85},"desc1":{"v2":12},"desc2":{"v2":5,"v1":74}},"supgr4":{"desc3":{"v2":172,"v1":25},"desc1":{"v2":18,"v1":4},"desc2":{"v2":7,"v1":94}}},"name":"Cho'Ta","aw":"+1","sdate":"2015-01-01","skills":{"cost3":9,"cost1":12,"skill2":"Fierce Assault","color1":"Blue","color2":"Yellow","cost2":7,"desc1":{"t2":" orange gems into offensive ones, doing ","v1":4,"v2":9,"t1":"Changes ","t3":" damage per turn."},"desc2":{"t2":" damage to the selected enemy and destroys ","v1":60,"v2":4,"t1":"Does ","t3":" red gems, generating AP."},"skill1":"Confusing Twist","desc3":{"t2":" damage per purple gem on the board. Maximum ","v1":15,"v2":68,"t1":"Does ","t3":" points."},"color3":"Red","skill3":"Purple Sting"},"nup":10,"govt":"Klingon"}
